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Products>Saint Augustine: Christian Instruction; Admonition and Grace; The Christian Combat; Faith, Hope and Charity

Saint Augustine: Christian Instruction; Admonition and Grace; The Christian Combat; Faith, Hope and Charity

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This volume contains multiple short works of Augustine’s, exploring the theology, philosophy, and aescetics throughout his life.

  • Translations of several key works by Augustine
  • Provides perspective on several important topics
  • One of 127 published volumes in a well-respected series on the Church Fathers

Top Highlights

“A knowledge of languages is an efficacious cure for an ignorance of literal signs.” (Page 73)

“Just so, wanderers from God1 on the road of this mortal life, if we wish to return to our native country where we can be happy,2 we must use this world,3 and not enjoy it, so that the ‘invisible attributes’ of God may be clearly seen, ‘being understood through the things that are made,’4 that is, that through what is corporeal and temporal we may comprehend the eternal and spiritual.” (Page 30)

“To enjoy anything means to cling to it with affection for its own sake. To use a thing is to employ what we have received for our use to obtain what we want, provided that it is right for us to want it. An unlawfully applied use ought rather to be termed an abuse.” (Page 29)

“Everyone must be loved equally; but, when you cannot be of assistance to all, you must above all have regard for those who are bound to you more closely by some accident, as it were, of location, circumstances, or occasions of any kind.” (Page 48)

“There are, then, some things which are to be enjoyed, others which are to be used, others which are enjoyed and used. Those which are to be enjoyed make us happy. Those which are to be used help us as we strive for happiness and, in a certain sense, sustain us, so that we are able to arrive at and cling to those things which make us happy. But, if we who enjoy and use things, living as we do in the midst of both classes of things, strive to enjoy the things which we are supposed to use, we find our progress impeded and even now and then turned aside. As a result, fettered by affection for lesser goods, we are either retarded from gaining those things which we are to enjoy or we are even drawn away entirely from them.” (Page 29)

Aurelius Augustinus (354–430) is often simply referred to as St. Augustine or Augustine Bishop of Hippo (the ancient name of the modern city of Annaba in Algeria). He is the preeminent Doctor of the Church according to Roman Catholicism, and is considered by Evangelical Protestants to be in the tradition of the Apostle Paul as the theological fountainhead of the Reformation teaching on salvation and grace.


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