Digital Verbum Edition
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series continues to be one of today’s top-selling commentary series. These commentaries from respected Bible scholar and preacher John MacArthur give a verse-by-verse analysis in context and provide points of application for passages, illuminating the biblical text in practical and relevant ways. This set includes the entire collection of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary series.
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary is now complete: taking you through the whole New Testament, detail by detail, verse by verse. This set is excellent for:
If you’re serious about understanding God’s Word, MacArthur's Commentary will be an invaluable resource for you.
Please note: Matthew (4 vols.), Acts (2 vols.), and Romans (2 vols.), will download as single resources so that the thirty three volumes in this collection will be listed as twenty nine resources in your digital library.
This phrase-by-phrase commentary includes:
Popular single volumes from this set
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series is nothing less than a library of faithful exegesis and exposition. This project is unparalleled in our times, and John MacArthur has produced a masterful commentary series that demands attention and deserves a place in every preacher’s library.
—R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Clear, reasonable, understandable, devout—all these things and more can be honestly said about this generation’s greatest single-author pastoral commentary set. The MacArthur New Tesament Commentary series is a help to Christians and preachers. Forged in the study, fired in the pulpit, these comments on the whole New Testament are a gift from one who loves Christ, given to Christ’s bride, the church
—Mark Dever, pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C.
John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, president of The Master’s College and Seminary, and featured teacher for the Grace to You media ministry. Weekly telecasts and daily radio broadcasts of Grace to You are seen and heard by millions worldwide. John has also written several bestselling books, including The MacArthur Study Bible, The Gospel According to Jesus, The John MacArthur New Testament Commentary series, Twelve Ordinary Men, and The Truth War.
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Kirke Holmes
Rob Surgenor
Fabian Jovanovic
Brent Baxter
Ron Hinson
Elvin Bruno
Into Grace