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Products>Gospel according to the Old Testament Series (15 vols.)

Gospel according to the Old Testament Series (15 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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This important series from noted pastor-scholars fulfills a great need for resources that show how the Old Testament presents and finds its fulfillment in the Gospel of Jesus Christ–not just in occasional Messianic prophecies, but in its essential message. Without falling into arbitrary allegory, the authors of this series present exegetically grounded exposition of Scripture that shows how all Old Testament doctrine and drama is about Christ, even when he is not on stage. The volumes in this collection cover various figures in, and portions of, the Old Testament. Discover the Gospel in the Joseph story, in the books of Judges, Zechariah, Hosea, and Daniel, in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the Old Testament presentation of Israel’s worship, and more.

  • Christ-centered interpretation of Old Testament figures, stories, and books
  • Accessible redemptive-historical exegesis from pastor-scholars
One of the most urgent needs of the church is to grasp how the many parts of the Bible fit together to make one ‘story line’ that culminates in Jesus Christ. This series of books goes a long way to meeting that need. Written at a thoughtful but popular level, it deserves wide circulation.

D. A. Carson, research professor, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

At last a series on the Old Testament designed to provide reliable exposition, biblical theology, and a focus on Christ. These books should be like manna in the desert to pastors, preachers, teachers, and many individual Christians who struggle to come to terms with how to read the Old Testament.

Sinclair Ferguson, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC

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  1. Marsha



  2. Tuan Khau

    Tuan Khau


    I've just purchased this "Gospel according to the old testament" series but I don't know how to download. Please tell me how to do? Thanks
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