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Products>Ancient Christian Texts Collection (15 vols.)

Ancient Christian Texts Collection (15 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Uncover the roots of Christianity and the writings of the early church in a new way. Ancient Christian Texts is a series of new translations of full-length commentaries and sermons based on biblical books or extended scriptural passages by early church leaders like Ambrosiaster, Origen, John of Damascus, Cyril of Alexandria and many others, most of which are presented in English for the first time. With today’s best scholarship, the Ancient Christian Texts provides you with the resources you need to study for yourself the key writings of the early church in a way never possible before.

  • Commentaries and sermons from the early church
  • All new translations, many in English for the first time
  • Get a deeper understanding of the theological roots of Christianity
The announcement of InterVarsity's series Ancient Christian Texts, to complement the highly successful Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, is good news, in the richest sense of that term. The burst of renewed interest in the way the fathers of the church read, preached and prayed the Scriptures is a blessing for the church and for scholars. The projected volumes of Ancient Christian Texts represent an excellent selection of patristic exegetical works, some of which will be available for the first time in English. This undertaking will be a great service to all who love the Bible.

Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J., professor of theology, Fordham University; past president, North American Patristics Society

  • Title: Ancient Christian Texts Collection
  • Series Editors: Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray
  • Series: Ancient Christian Texts
  • Publisher: IVP Academic
  • Volumes: 15
  • Pages: 3,910
  • Resource Type: Ancient Texts
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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2 ratings

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  1. Dr. Anthony Mazak
  2. Beno



    I would be interested to hear some comparison and review of this resource and the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Is there any?
  4. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    That sure is a lot of money.
  5. Daniel Andujar
    I wished LOGOS would offer to buy some of the books in this collection separately, because I'm only interested in the Greek and Latin Commentaries on Revelation.
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