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Bible Study Magazine is a print magazine (not an emagazine) published by Lexham Press. Six times a year, Bible Study Magazine delivers tools and methods for Bible study as well as insights from respected teachers, professors, historians, and archeologists.
Read pastor profiles, author interviews, and stories of individuals whose thoughtful engagement with Scripture has shaped their thinking and defined their ministries. Bible Study Magazine reveals the impact of God’s Word in their lives—and the power of Scripture in yours.
There is a limited supply of back issues of the May–June 2017 Bible Study Magazine.
Christian author and blogger Tim Challies has served his church faithfully for years, but he’s rarely the guy standing in the spotlight. His interests in ministry have always led him to work behind the scenes, helping to disciple the people in his care.
—Jessi Strong
Hong Kong is an iconic city bridging Western and Eastern culture. For 150 years it was under British rule, which sheltered it from the upheaval of China’s Communist revolution in the 1950s. In 1997, when the British ceded Hong Kong’s territory back to China, it was designated as a nearly autonomous region.
—Jessi Strong
Deuteronomy is set east of the Jordan River on the plains of Moab, just outside the promised land (1:1). Here, the Israelites stood on the precipice of a new era. Behind them lay the exodus and the wilderness, where Israel experienced some of its highest highs and lowest lows. On the one hand, there was an awesome salvation from one of the greatest empires of the ancient Near East. On the other hand, there was failure so monumental that an entire generation was lost.
—David B. Schreiner
Regardless of whether they have read the Bible, most people have heard of the tower of Babel. The account of the confusion of human language is recorded in Genesis 11:1–9. But the familiar Sunday school story is about much more than that. Its real importance is something that few people ever hear in church.
—Michael S. Heiser