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Products>John Frame Collection (11 vols.)

John Frame Collection (11 vols.)

, 1987–2023

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $321.89
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Among other works such as the four volume Theology of Lordship series, this collection includes 1,500 pages of Dr. Frame’s other theological writings: journal articles, pamphlets, lecture outlines, study guides, syllabi, and written sermons, as well as over 3,000 pages of other published works—virtually everything Dr. Frame has written about theology over the past 40 years!

Dr. Frame is noted for his belief that theology is application—the use of God’s revelation to meet the spiritual needs of people, to promote godliness and spiritual health. Therefore, his theology is inherently practical, deeply grounded in Scripture, and unusually comprehensive.

In this collection, Dr. John Frame combines his wealth of learning and love for theology with 40 years of teaching, making his writings an extraordinarily satisfying feast for the heart and mind.

Key Features

  • Systematically examines how God’s lordship affects every aspect of Christian life
  • Provides thoughtful analysis and insights for practical application
  • Includes over 1,500 pages of John Frame’s shorter theological writings on systematic theology, philosophy, and other topics

Praise for the Print Edition

Few in our day champion a vision of God as massive, magnificent, and biblical as John Frame. For decades, he has given himself to the church, to his students, and to meticulous thinking and the rigorous study of the Bible. He has winsomely, patiently, and persuasively contended for the gospel in the secular philosophical arena, as well as in the thick of the church worship wars and wrestlings with feminism and open theism. He brings together a rare blend of big-picture thinking, leveled-headed reflection, biblical fidelity, a love for the gospel and the church, and the ability to write with care and clarity. These collected works of John Frame are a precious gift to the church.

John Piper, pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church

I already own hard copies of most of what John Frame has written and have read the material with enormous profit. Whether he is articulating the best form of presuppositional apologetics, expounding the doctrine of God, or debunking Open Theism, Frame is always worth reading carefully and thoughtfully. To have this material in digital form, not only compact but searchable, is a great boon.

D.A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

The entire John Frame theological corpus made available to serious students, pastors, and teachers worldwide? What a boon to the church universal! Frame’s rigorous, clear, and passionately biblical theology has graced the hearts and thinking of this generation and, now, so many more. This is essential theological fare. Highly recommended.

R. Kent Hughes, senior pastor emeritus, College Church

John Frame’s writings are celebrated rightly for their scriptural base, his sober thinking, his spiritual tone and application of sound doctrine, and his simplicity of style.

Bruce Waltke, professor of Old Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary

Product Details

  • Title: John Frame Collection
  • Author: John Frame
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 7,830
  • Christian Group: Reformed
  • Resource Type: Collected Works
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About John Frame

John M. Frame (b. 1939) is an American philosopher and a Calvinist theologian especially noted for his work in epistemology, presuppositional apologetics, systematic theology, and ethics. He is one of the foremost interpreters and critics of the thought of Cornelius Van Til. He is currently professor of systematic theology and philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando.


2 ratings

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  1. Jason Guenther
  2. Juen Chen

    Juen Chen


    Dr.John Frame impresses me most deeply is that the biblical is the scale for evaluating where conservative or liberal.


Collection value: $321.89
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