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F.F. Bruce Collection (12 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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F.F. Bruce was a humble, brilliant scholar and devout Christian. He dedicated his life to the study of the New Testament, its history and interpretation. Affectionately known as the “dean of evangelical scholars,” F.F. Bruce was significant because in a time when the academic community looked down upon Evangelicals, he demonstrated that worthwhile academic work could be done by an Evangelical. At the same time, he persuaded Evangelicals that they should not turn their backs on academic methods of Bible study, even if the results might differ from traditional evangelical views. Nevertheless, despite his academic rigor, Bruce always had a heart for the church and the Christian church. This twelve volume collection makes available many of Bruce's writings that have heretofore been inaccessible to most Christians. Here is a collection that will warm the heart, enlighten the mind with its call of faithfulness to Jesus and his church.

  • Includes commentaries on various books of the New Testament
  • Practical insights on the meaning of various New Testament passages from a leading biblical scholars
  • Bruce effectively balances contemporary relevance and academic rigor
Always obvious was Bruce's uncanny ability to cut through to the heart of a complex issue. Always constant was his call to attend to primary sources, historical contexts, and careful exegesis.

Donald A. Hagner and Murray J. Harris

I know no better example of uncompromising truthfulness wedded to that most excellent gift of charity: Fred Bruce always speaks the truth in love. Certainly the truth: he is one of the rare souls who actually do verify their references: what he says can be relied on to be correct-not that he needs to do much verification, for he is blessed with an exceptionally tenacious memory. On the granite rock of a thorough classical education (Gold Medallist in Latin and Greek at Aberdeen, senior classic of his year at Cambridge) he has built a formidable edifice of extensive and accurate learning

C.F.D. Moule

  • Title: F.F. Bruce Collection (12 vols.)
  • Author: F.F. Bruce
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 2,606
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Editions
  • Resource Type: Monographs and Commentaries
  • Topic: Biblical Studies
  • Resource ID: {04A5A371-ECEC-486D-ACFD-AF9CE9EE4C9F}
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

F. F. Bruce (1910–1990) was one of the founders of the modern evangelical understanding of the Bible and served as the Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester. After teaching Greek for several years, first at the University of Edinburgh and then at the University of Leeds, he became head of the Department of Biblical History and Literature at the University of Sheffield in 1947. He studied at University of Aberdeen, Cambridge University, and the University of Vienna. During his distinguished career, he wrote many bestselling commentaries and books, including Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free, A Mind for What Matters and several titles published by InterVarsity Press. He also served as general editor of The New International Commentary on the New Testament.


4 ratings

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  1. Eugene Oleson
  2. klh



    I bought this collection primarily for Bruce's paraphrase of The Letter of Paul. When I opened the book i discovered, sadly that the Fuller References that originated in the prodigious labours of Dr. F. H. A. Scrivener and Professor W. F.Moulton and were completed by Professor Moulton's old pupil , Dr. A. W. Greenup, and his son, Dr. J. H. Moulton were not included.SAD!
    "modern evangelical understanding of the Bible"? How about "neo-evangelical understanding" or even "neo-orthodox"? Bruce never impressed me as a man committed to inerrancy of the Scripture.
  4. Jason Lim

    Jason Lim


    I can't wait it! Also, I hope there would be a George E. Ladd's collection as well.
  5. Ian Carmichael
    Bruce's work always worth some thought - as he treated everything he wrote about, carefully, thoughtfully, faithfully and helpfully.
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