Digital Verbum Edition
In this standard on the Christian life, Chafer addresses the main concerns in relation to the spiritual component of living a holy life. He explores what the Bible says about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian in great detail and clarity. After addressing the importance of the Holy Spirit, Chafer moves on to sin, submission and obedience on the part of the believer. He also provides helpful explanations of the doctrines of humanity’s fallen nature and sanctification. This book will be helpful for new believers as well as seasoned Christians seeking to deepen their walk with Christ.
“A Christian is a Christian because he is rightly related to Christ; but ‘he that is spiritual’ is spiritual because he is rightly related to the Spirit, in addition to his relation to Christ in salvation.” (Page 9)
“True Christian character is produced in the believer, but not by the believer.” (Page 37)
“The Spirit is the cause while the experience of the glory and reality of Christ is the effect.” (Page 32)
“It is not enough that servants and witnesses have received the Spirit: He must come upon them, or fill them.” (Page 13)
“What, then, is true spirituality? It is the unhindered manifestations of the indwelling Spirit.” (Page 140)
No subject was more dear to the heart of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer than the teaching of the Scriptures on the spiritual life.
—John F. Walvoord, president of Dallas Theological Seminary
I welcome therefore this present book on these fundamental truths. Having had the privilege of seeing it in manuscript, I bespeak for it the candid attention of all who are concerned for the truth of God.
—C.I. Scofield, in the preface to the 1936 edition of The Kingdom in History and Prophecy
I am glad of the privilege of calling attention to a presentation of the way of salvation which is certain to lead all who read it earnestly to a living faith in Christ, and then to a constant joy because of the abundant and assured provision of God for the Christian life.
—W. H. Griffith Thomas, in the preface to the 1917 edition of Salvation
Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952) was an American Presbyterian clergyman and educator, born in Rock Creek, Ohio. He studied at New Lyme Academy in Ohio, at Oberlin (Ohio) Conservatory and College, and under C. I. Scofield. Ordained in 1900, he was a traveling evangelist from 1900-1914, and a Bible lecturer from 1914-1924. He also taught Bible at the Philadelphia School of the Bible from 1914-1923. In 1924, he founded the Evangelical Theological College (now Dallas Theological Seminary) and was its president and professor of systematic theology until his death. He is also the author of Systematic Theology (8 Vols.) and was also the editor of Bibliotheca Sacra.
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Chad Ethridge