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Products>The Prophecies of Daniel

The Prophecies of Daniel

Digital Verbum Edition

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In The Prophecies of Daniel, Strauss has written an engaging and informative commentary quite applicable in this day when there is great curiosity about future events and what the Bible says about them. Both these books will be helpful either to the preaching pastor or to the serious lay Bible student who wishes a better understanding of biblical prophecy. A commentary for the common man, rather than the professional scholar, Strauss emphasizes practical lessons presented expositionally chapter by chapter.

Key Features

  • Expository commentary on every chapter of the book of Daniel
  • Emphasizes practical application
  • Brings out the insights of dispensationalism found in Daniel

Product Details

About Lehman Strauss

Lehman Strauss taught Old Testament history for eight years at Philadelphia Bible Institute and served as pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Bristol, Pa., from 1939 to 1957. He was pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church in Highland Park, Mich. until the end of 1963 when he resigned to devote full-time to an itinerant Bible conference and evangelistic ministry. Dr. Strauss was residing in Florida and was writing his 19th book when the Lord called him home in June of 1997.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


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