Digital Verbum Edition
The most important work of Rufinus, and aimed at persons under instruction for the sacraments, this work offers a guide to teaching and defending the Creed. It offers a glimpse of popular Christian apologetics at the beginning of the fifth century. Edited by J. N. D. Kelly.
“If I may disclose to you, however, the heart of the mystery, it was appropriate that He who came to remove the sins of the world should at the same time release the earth from the curses inflicted on it when the first-formed man sinned, and it received the sentence of transgression in the Lord’s words: Cursed is the earth in thy works: thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee.129 Jesus was therefore crowned with thorns in order that the primordial sentence of condemnation might be remitted.” (Pages 57–58)
“so human souls are delivered from the abysmal errors of this world by the gospel of the kingdom of heaven” (Page 41)
“He who has promised forgiveness is King of all things: He who assures us of it is Lord of heaven and earth. Are you reluctant for me to believe that He who made me a man out of mere clay can transform my guilt into innocence? Will He who caused me to see when I was blind and to hear when I was deaf, and who restored my powers of walking when I was lame, prove incapable of recovering my lost innocence for me?” (Page 77)
“So those rulers, whom God had appointed over mankind, turning stubborn and tyrannical, did their best to wage war on the human beings committed to their charge and to rout them in their conflict with sin.” (Page 49)
“The reason for Peter’s warming himself at the fire was that it was cold;140 and the cold from which he suffered was not only the coldness of weather but coldness of faith.” (Page 59)