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Products>Daniel: The Son of God, the Son of Man

Daniel: The Son of God, the Son of Man

ISBN: 9781905975228

Digital Verbum Edition

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World history is filled with the rise and fall of kingdoms, multi-national companies, ideologies, and empires. There are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines. How can the church of the living God stand firm in the middle of such turmoil? The great message of the book of Daniel is that Jesus, the Son of Man, the king of the everlasting kingdom, is on the throne of the universe—high above all the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms and high above all the earthly kings and kingdoms. The Son of Man has been given all authority and power from the Ancient of Days and is able to raise up or humble anybody he chooses. This volume explains how Daniel shows how to hold onto the reality of the Jesus Christ in a world that we don’t control, a world that is full of values and assumptions that are hostile to the ways of God. He shows how to keep one’s true identity as a citizen of the everlasting kingdom of heaven while remaining a citizen of earthly kingdoms that come and go. Daniel shows how to work with integrity and excellence even when surrounded by colleagues who openly reject the living God.


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  1. Robert J Richardson


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