Digital Verbum Edition
According to the Lord Jesus Christ, our first priority must be to seek the kingdom of God. The aim of Matthew's Gospel is to help the Christian fulfill that duty. To do this, we must above all honor, trust, and serve the King himself, Jesus Christ. This commentary must, therefore, be both Christ-centered and practical. Its focus is the King and his kingdom.
“Since the theme of the Gospel as a whole is the kingship of Christ, the prologue deals specifically with his descent from King David.” (Page 17)
“What is absolutely necessary is obedience to the energizing word of God” (Page 48)
“One of the most futile expressions of sympathy is: ‘Don’t worry. Everything will be all right’—futile, but very common. It is futile because usually no reason is given why one should not worry.” (Page 116)
“Matthew his legal, and royal, descent, thus establishing Jesus’ claim to David’s throne as his heir, the Messiah.” (Page 18)
“Matthew is already challenging his readers to submit to and benefit from this kingship, as Helen Shapiro did.” (Page 17)
John Legg is a retired pastor now living in South Wales. He has ministered at Shrewsbury Evangelical Church and previously in North Yorkshire for a total of over forty years.