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Products>The Divine Exchange: The Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross

The Divine Exchange: The Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross

Digital Verbum Edition

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The whole of Christianity hinges on a single historical event: the death of a man from Nazareth on a Roman stake. Derek Prince examines the significance of Jesus life, the mode of his death, the miracle of his resurrection, and their place in the cosmic drama that reached its climax at the cross.

Top Highlights

“‘He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth.’ But in verse 6 he says, ‘The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity [avon] of us all.’ Not merely was Jesus identified with our iniquity, He also endured all the evil consequences of that iniquity. Like the scapegoat that had prefigured Him, He carried them away, so that they might never return again upon us.” (Pages 5–6)

“First, Jesus endured in our place all the evil consequences that were due by divine justice to our iniquity. Now, in exchange, God offers us all the good that was due to the sinless obedience of Jesus.” (Page 6)

“avon means not simply ‘iniquity,’ but also includes all the evil consequences that God’s judgment brings upon iniquity” (Page 5)

“your body, your soul, your mind, your emotions, as well as your material and financial needs” (Page 4)

“The rejection of Jesus had opened the way for us to be accepted by God as His children.” (Page 13)


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