Digital Verbum Edition
In The Faith Understood Mark J. Zia presents an introduction to Catholic theology. Zia presents the principles of authentic biblical interpretation and discusses why the Magisterium is the only way to correctly interpret the Bible and the writings of the Church fathers, doctors, and saints. Zia also explains how faith and reason; science and theology; and the natural and the supernatural are always agreeable. Other topics include the Incarnation and its primary Christological heresies that threatened the early Church; the Blessed Virgin Mary; and eschatology (the “last things”—judgment, purgatory, hell, and heaven). This book is an excellent resource for college students, adult faith formation programs, and motivated Catholics aspiring to learn more about their faith.
“Whereas any intelligent person is able to learn about God, the saints experience what they learn by holiness of life and are supernaturally led into a greater understanding of God’s inmost life.” (Page 5)
“However, the mature motive for avoiding sins is not because we fear punishment (focus is on the self), but rather because we love God and know that we always need to follow His example of charity. This latter view constitutes perfect contrition, and ought to be a driving principle in our lives.” (Page 90)
“The first principle for accurately interpreting the Bible is known as the canonical approach to biblical interpretation. This principle requires that we interpret the Bible as a unified whole, rather than as disassociated parts.” (Page 44)
“God is not interested in simply telling us all about Himself, but He constantly invites us all to enter into living communion with Him, to share in His very Trinitarian life.” (Page 3)
“the Christian accepts all that is true in any discipline, without a need for mental subterfuge” (Page 17)