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Products>Judges & Ruth (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Judges & Ruth (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

, 2018
ISBN: 9781493412884

Digital Verbum Edition

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The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible encourages readers to explore how the vital roots of the ancient Christian tradition inform and shape faithfulness today. In this addition to the series, two respected scholars offer a theological reading of Judges and Ruth. As with other volumes in the series, this commentary is designed to serve the church--providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups--and to demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

Key Features

  • Provides in-depth introductions to both Judges and Ruth
  • Offers theological analysis of Scripture
  • Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Praise for the Print Edition

Judges & Ruth is a salutary reminder that the dichotomy between theology and biblical scholarship is a false one. Smit and Fowl gift us with rich textual insight against the backdrop of God's providential ordering of history.

—Elizabeth Newman, Eula Mae and John Baugh Professor of Theology and Ethics, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond

Judges, in the history of its interpretation, has been well served by astute literary and historical commentary, but to these Laura Smit adds robust theological engagement. She is not afraid to go where the text leads--to a God of election, a God who involves us in warfare, a God who demands sacrifice, a God who requires countercultural fidelity. This is a challenging reading of a challenging book and will encourage all Christian readers to reexamine their own theological commitments. In addition, Stephen Fowl offers a nuanced reading of Ruth, pondering Gentile inclusion in the people of God and reflecting wisely on the multiple challenges of theological interpretation. Together these two different voices model something of the variety of ways that theological reading can engage the scriptural text.

—Richard S. Briggs, lecturer in Old Testament and director of biblical studies, Cranmer Hall, St. John's College, Durham University

This new series places the accent on 'theological' and reflects current interpretive ferment marked by growing resistance to the historical-critical project. It may be that scripture interpretation is too important to be left to the exegetes, and so a return to the theologians. We will wait with great anticipation for this new series, at least aware that the outcomes of interpretation are largely determined by the questions asked. It is never too late to ask better questions; with a focus on the theological tradition, this series holds the promise of asking interpretive questions that are deeply grounded in the primal claims of faith. The rich promise of the series is indicated by the stature and erudition of the commentators. Brazos has enormous promises to keep with this project, and we wait with eagerness for its appearing!

—Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

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About the Authors

Laura A. Smit (PhD, Boston University) is professor of theology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has served in a variety of pastoral settings and is the author of Loves Me, Loves Me Not.

Stephen E. Fowl (PhD, University of Sheffield) is professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore. He has written numerous books, including commentaries on Philippians and Ephesians, and is the coauthor of Reading Scripture with the Church.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


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