Digital Verbum Edition
William Shedd's theology is arguably one of the richest resources in the American Reformed tradition yet, strangely, it has not received the attention it deserves. Oliver Crisp takes a step towards filling the considerable gap.
Shedd was a theologian unafraid to think for himself, even if his thinking meant he ended up with views that were not held by others with whom he had a natural affinity. His theology of sin and salvation illustrate well this creative innovation within a tradition. This book explores the relationship between sin and salvation in Shedd's theology, with an eye to both its philosophical and dogmatic significance for contemporary theology.
“So this is a moderate version of Augustinian realism.” (Page 45)
“Put another way, on the common nature version of realism sin is transmitted via a generic human nature shared with Adam.” (Page 48)
“Hodge denies that the guilt involved in original sin is grounded in Adam’s guilt” (Page 52)
“one metaphysical entity ‘with’ (or, less helpfully, perhaps, ‘in’) Adam by God.” (Page 44)
Oliver Crisp convincingly shows that William G. T. Shedd was a reformed theologian whose dogmatics has a philosophical dimension which merits serious attention. In doing so he reveals the same intellectual qualities in evidence in his books on Jonathan Edwards and on Christology: philosophical clarity and rigor, theological sensitivity, and excellent judgment.
—Paul Helm, King's College, London
I highly recommend this fine piece of philosophical theology (or, if one prefers, theological philosophy) and can only hope that it will stimulate renewed interest in Shedd—not only as an eminent theologian of great historical import, but as one who will now speak to the present generation.
—Alan W. Gomes, Talbot School of Theology
Oliver Crisp attended the Wimbledon School of Art and the University of Aberdeen before completing his Ph.D. at King’s College, University of London on the philosophical theology of Jonathan Edwards. He has taught at the University of St. Andrews, the University of Notre Dame, and Regent College. He is currently a Reader in Theology at the University of Bristol.