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Products>English Word Study Workflow

English Word Study Workflow

Digital Verbum Edition

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The English Word Study Workflow guides users through the essential steps of studying a biblical word using the English Bible as the starting point. For this workflow, you may choose any English word that appears in an English Bible translation. The workflow is most effective when your select a word from a particular passage of Scripture that you are already reading. Using a word from specific passage helps anchor your study in its Biblical context and can provide additional clarification for the meaning of your Biblical passage.

Product Details

  • Title: English Word Study Workflow
  • Publisher: Faithlife
  • Publication Date: 2019


7 ratings

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  1. Dr. George Bannister. Ph.D., D.Min., Th.M., M.Div.
  2. Sis Sharisse Stevenson
  3. Kay Lester

    Kay Lester


  4. Billy Avery

    Billy Avery


  5. Dean Poulos

    Dean Poulos


  7. JazzCatFunk49



    Love Logos 8; love all that it offers. Keep up the great work as a team that wants to educate and pursue the Truth.
