Digital Verbum Edition
In Salvation by Grace, Matthew Barrett comprehensively defends the doctrine of monergism (the teaching that regeneration is exclusively the work of God) primarily by looking at Scripture but also by examining Reformed theologians and confessions. Barrett also provides a helpful evaluation of both the Arminian position and contemporary attempts to chart a middle course between Calvinistic and Arminian systems.
“The thesis of this project will argue that the biblical view is that God’s saving grace is monergistic—meaning that God acts alone to effectually call and monergistically regenerate the depraved sinner from death to new life—and therefore effectual calling and regeneration causally precede conversion in the ordo salutis, thereby ensuring that all of the glory in salvation belongs to God not man.” (Page xxvi)
“Semi-Augustinianism advocates a God-initiated synergism. While man is incapable of initiating salvation due to the bondage of his will, God provides a universal, prevenient grace, mitigating total depravity, enabling man to cooperate.22 While God is credited with the initiation of salvation, ultimately man’s will has the final say and determination.” (Page 5)
“In the classical Arminian view prevenient grace is primary, followed by man’s free will decision in conversion, and consequently God’s response in regeneration. Therefore, regeneration is causally conditioned upon man’s free-will choice to accept or reject God’s grace. For Calvinism, the ordo salutis differs drastically. God does not respond to the sinner but the sinner responds to God. God’s choice does not depend on the sinner’s, but the sinner’s choice depends on God’s mercy and grace. Therefore, God’s special calling is particular and effectual (as opposed to a calling that is universal, prevenient, and resistible) and regeneration monergistic. Consequently, effectual calling and regeneration causally precede conversion.” (Page xxiv)
“What total depravity does mean is that the corruption inherited from Adam extends to every aspect of the sinner’s nature (i.e., it is total in extensiveness).” (Pages 40–41)
Matthew Barrett’s work on regeneration represents scholarship at its best. His book is exegetically convincing and theologically profound, with significant pastoral consequences. The topic has not been explored in depth in recent scholarship, and hence this book is also timely.
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
‘Salvation is of the Lord.’ All Christians would affirm this good news. Yet only monergism carries it through to the end, without equivocation. In this winsome and well-researched defense, Matthew Barrett clears away the brush—caricatures and distortions on both sides of the debate—to expose the wonder of God’s amazing grace. After drawing a precise historical map of the range of views, Barrett engages the relevant passages with fresh insight and energy. His goal is not to win an argument but to win brothers and sisters to a fuller, richer, and more biblical account of the application of redemption.
—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
Either God is sovereign or he is not. Matthew Barrett takes the bull by the horns and demonstrates that only the affirmation of complete divine sovereignty in all things can do justice to what God has done for our salvation. Attempts to water this down by finding room for human cooperation may be well-meaning, but they are bound to fail. This is a timely book on a perennially important subject, specially geared to meet current challenges. Every pastor and theologically alert Christian should read it.
—Gerald Bray, Research Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Matthew Barrett (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. He is the author of several books, including God’s Word Alone: The Authority of Scripture, Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary, and Owen on the Christian Life.