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Galatians (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture | CCSS)

Digital Verbum Edition

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The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) responds to the desire of Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life. The series will include seventeen volumes, offering readable, informative commentary on each book of the New Testament. The CCSS implements the theological principles taught by Vatican II for interpreting Scripture “in accord with the same Spirit by which it was written”—that is, interpreting Scripture in its canonical context and in the light of Catholic tradition and the analogy of faith (Dei Verbum 12).

The CCSS is packed with features designed to help readers use the Bible more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Each volume provides exegesis as well as reflection and application sections. Cross-references link each passage to the Catechism, the Lectionary, and related biblical texts. Sidebars present information on the background of the text and on how the text has been interpreted by the Church. Abundant quotations from saints and Church Fathers enable readers to glimpse the continuity of Catholic tradition. Each volume includes a glossary, a list of suggested resources, an index of pastoral topics, and an Index of sidebars. Further resources are posted at the series website,

  • Offers detailed exposition and commentary on the text
  • Includes exegesis as well as reflection and application sections
  • Provides introduction to authorship, literary unity, historical context, theological themes, and contemporary relevance

Top Highlights

“The answer is that Paul understands the event at Calvary as bringing a kind of destruction on the harmful entities that exist in the world.” (Page 211)

“At the very beginning of Genesis’s account of the story of Abraham, the Bible records God’s promise: ‘All the families of the earth will find blessing in you’ (Gen 12:3). This promise is repeated several times, with the word ‘families’ replaced by ‘nations’ (Gen 18:18; 22:18; 26:4), the same word commonly translated ‘Gentiles.’” (Page 107)

“Instead of freeing people from Egypt, Christ frees people from the present evil age” (Page 31)

“Paul sees the first fulfillment of this promise in Gen 15:6, which affirms that God counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness. And this blessing of righteousness is based not on any work of Abraham’s but on the fact that he believed in the word of God.” (Page 108)

“As we continue to live on earth, Christ’s passion is being actualized in our lives, which in turn affects our participation in the life of the risen Christ.” (Page 89)

Readers of this collaboration between Cardinal Vanhoye and Dr. Williamson will be given not only a clearer understanding of the text but also a greater confidence to proclaim the truth of the one gospel of Jesus Christ in our present day.

—Most Reverend Michael Byrnes, Coadjutor Archbishop of Agaña, Guam

Peter Williamson has rendered a great service to interpreters of Galatians with this translation and adaptation of Cardinal Vanhoye’s commentary on the letter, notable for its clarity of exposition, ability to go to the heart of the matter, and unrivaled capacity to bring to the interpretation of Paul the wealth of the Catholic tradition. Particularly helpful, from both a pedagogical and a pastoral point of view, are the many sidebars clarifying difficult concepts and addressing sensitive issues, such as Paul’s strictures concerning the law in light of Jewish-Christian relations.

—Brendan Byrne, SJ, emeritus professor of New Testament, University of Divinity, Melbourne

After twenty years of teaching priests as well as teaching Catholic laypeople, seminarians, and deacons in formation, I can say with confidence that the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is a landmark achievement in theological interpretation of Scripture in and for the Church. Everything about it is inviting and edifying, from the format, photos, background notes, and cross-references (to Scripture and the Catechism) to the rich exposition of the text, quotations from the Church’s living tradition, and reflections for contemporary life. It is a wonderful gift to the Catholic Church and a model for the rest of us. Highly recommended for all!

—Michael J. Gorman, professor of Sacred Scripture and dean of the Ecumenical Institute of Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore

Cardinal Albert Vanhoye (SSD, Pontifical Biblical Institute) is rector emeritus of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, where he taught for thirty-five years. He is also a former secretary of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and the author of numerous books.

Peter S. Williamson (STD, Pontifical Gregorian University) holds the Adam Cardinal Maida Chair in Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. He is the author of several books, including Ephesians and Revelation in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and Catholic Principles for Interpreting Scripture. He is also the coeditor of John Paul II and the New Evangelization.

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