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Products>Lilian B. Yeomans Collection (4 vols.)

Lilian B. Yeomans Collection (4 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $34.96
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As a young woman practicing medicine, Miss Lilian B. Yeomans became hopelessly addicted to drugs. “I was a perfect wreck mentally and physically,” she wrote later. One of Dr. Yeomans’ nurses said she was “like a skeleton with a devil inside.” To which Miss Yeomans added, “I think her descrip­tion, if not very flattering, was accurate.”

Dr. Yeomans’ medical colleagues could offer no help. Christian Science tried but was unable to cure her. Her friends gave up hope, convinced that the addiction would eventually cause her death.

Freedom from the long night of bondage came miraculously when a minister became burdened for Dr. Yeomans. He pointed her to the Word of God and then prayed night and day. Finally the prisoner was set free! (Her complete story is told in chapter 1 of Healing from Heaven.)

Miss Yeomans gave up her medical practice and then for the rest of her life-some 40 years-was a popular Bible teacher and writer, inspiring thousands to believe God for healing as well as for salvation.

Her unique teaching approach, the many thrilling stories of healing, and her simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Healer are presented in these books to encourage the sufferer and to bring glory to God.

The four books in the series are Balm of Gilead, The Great Physician (formerly Divine Healing Diamonds), Healing from Heaven, and Health and Healing (formerly The Royal Road to Health-Vi/le).

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Lilian B. Yeomans (1861-1942), a Canadian physician, became one of the most prominent healing evangelists in the early Pentecostal movement. Her remarkable ministry resulted from her own deliverance from the downward spiral of drug addiction. After she found spiritual and physical healing in the power of Jesus Christ, she committed herself to introducing others to the “Great Physician.”


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    Collection value: $34.96
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