Digital Verbum Edition
Survey the themes and purpose of the Old Testament with renowned Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke. You’ll get a clearer understanding of how the different books of the Old Testament fit together to tell the grand story of God’s plan of salvation. The course covers creation, the fall, God’s covenants with His people, and God’s great acts of redemption and deliverance in the Old Testament. Dr. Waltke explores how the different genres of literature in the Old Testament explain and expand on the story of the Old Testament and how this story is relevant to you. As he says in the course: “Through biblical theology I hope you will know God personally—not only learn about Him, but you will come to know Him personally. And also through this course, you will know who you are and where you fit into the scheme of things—that you are a part of a great story of salvation history. You are part of the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.”
“General revelation is what can be known about God from the creation; that is to say, you can know a lot about God—His wisdom, His power, His eternity—just by looking at the awesome creation in which we live.” (source)
“So really, in this course, what we’re going to be doing [is] we’re going to understand who’s the chief director—namely the Lord God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ—and we’re going to discover that we’re part of a plot. Namely, the plot is really the establishment of God’s kingdom in a hostile world. It’s a war, really. It’s a drama, a tension; and you are part of it. And so that’s where the course is going to go.” (source)
“Illumination is going to take the spirit of God to take these truths and apply them and make them personal knowledge.” (source)
“I’ve drawn that the closest I can get to what ties the whole thing together is what a German theologian by the name of Walther Eichrodt called ‘the irruption of the kingdom of God.’ Now, he’s spelling that I-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N (irruption), not E-R-U-P-T-I-O-N (eruption). Eruption is to break out from within, like a volcano erupts or a boil on our skin; irruption is the breaking in. And the Bible is the story of God breaking in into this dark, messed-up world with a glorious kingdom of light and life that’s centered in His Son, Jesus Christ. That really will tie all the particulars, to a large extent.” (source)
“It also implies that the locus of revelation for theological reflection is the text, not the event. That is to say, it needs that interpretation, and what I study is what the text says.” (source)