Digital Verbum Edition
The Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillations Analysis Dataset is one of three resources that together form the The Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis is delivered as three separate resources. The Dataset uses labels to apply information about the accent marks (name, rank, and type) to words in the Hebrew Bible. Hebrew Bibles and translations aligned with Hebrew Bibles have access to this information and is accessible by using the Information Pane and the Context Menu.
The other two resources are the Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis Graphs and the Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis Database. The Graphs is a visualization resource that provides a graph or tree view of the hierarchy implied by the cantillation marks in the Lexham Hebrew Bible and the Database forms the underlying foundation for searching the contaillation analysis using the syntax search window. It allows searching by heirarchy or relationship in combination with accent and morphological or lemma combinations.