Contemporary Theology Video Lectures features 38 sessions and provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern theology. A companion to the textbook Contemporary Theology: An Introduction, these accessible and comprehensive sessions cover evangelical perspectives alongside mainline and liberal views, the influence of philosophy and the recent Christian philosophical renaissance on theology, global contributions, recent developments in exegetical theology, and the implications of theological shifts on ethics and church life.
These lectures are noteworthy for making complex ideas understandable and for tracing the landscape of modern theology in a well-organized and easy-to-follow manner. They are ideal for students, pastors, and independent learners who want to have an additional point of contact with the material from the main textbook on which they are based.
Get the full experience when you partner this excellent video course with Contemporary Theology: An Introduction: Classical, Evangelical, Philosophical, and Global Perspectives
Kirk R. MacGregor (PhD, University of Iowa) is assistant professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at McPherson College in McPherson, Kansas. He is the author of several scholarly works including A Molinist-Anabaptist Systematic Theology.