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Products>Baker New Testament Commentary Collection (124 vols.)

Baker New Testament Commentary Collection (124 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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The New Testament represents the recorded witness of Jesus Christ and the writings of some of his earliest followers and tells us about the activities and teachings of Jesus and the teaching of the early church on what it means to follow Him. Commentaries are an important tool when pursing Bible study, exposition, and exegesis in the New Testament. The resources included in this collection are some of the best and include individual titles from series such as the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT), Understand the Bible, and Brazos Theological Commentary, as well as outstanding volumes that are not part of dedicated series.

  • Includes devotional, technical, and expository New Testament commentaries
  • Represents multiple perspectives, including Wesleyan, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Reformed, and more
  • Covers every book of the New Testament with multiple resources
  • Title: Baker New Testament Commentary Collection (2019)
  • Print Publication Date: 1953–2019
  • Resources: 124
  • Format: Digital > Logos Edition
  • Resource ID: {007AC345-B329-4A53-841A-CAE8CD18BF42}
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2019-11-04T21:58:09Z
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
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  1. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    Looking at this, I have no idea what new books I will get. It's says there's about $227 worth, but I have no clue to what they are.
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