Digital Verbum Edition
A Comprehensive, Balanced, and Applicable Guide to Spiritual Growth.
What does a real relationship with God look like? What does the biblical vision of true spiritual life look like? How do we grow in spiritual maturity? How we answer these questions influence the health, potency, and witness of Christians in an increasingly complex and hostile world.
Conformed to His Image answers these questions with clarity and insight, offering a comprehensive, balanced, and applicable guide to spiritual growth. Designed for use in college and seminary courses, this revised edition of the widely used textbook helps readers build their lives on a fully biblical perspective. It offers corrective to our tendency to pick and compartmentalize spiritual growth by exploring twelve facets of authentic Christian spirituality including:
With chapter overviews and objectives, questions for personal application, a glossary, and a list of key terms, Conformed to His Image provides a defining text for the student, pastor, and church leader of today and tomorrow. This revised edition includes new recommended resources throughout, more recent examples of subjects discussed, and updated wording to better reflect our postmodern context.
“As the story of the wedding at Cana (John 2:1–11) illustrates, the world pours out its best wine first and switches to the cheap wine after people’s discernment has been dulled. But our Lord’s miracle of turning the water into wine teaches us that for those who follow him, the best is reserved for last.” (Page 56)
“Nevertheless there are authentic, biblically orthodox, and time-tested approaches to the spiritual life that still mark many communities of believers, and this is what this book means when it uses the term spirituality.” (Page 2)
“Our greatest mental, physical, and social achievements are as straw compared with one glimpse of the living God (Philippians 3:7–10). Our Lord invites us to the highest calling of all—intimacy with him—and day after day, we decline the offer, preferring instead to fill our stomachs with the pods of short-lived pleasures and prospects.” (Page 16)
“Loving God completely is the key to loving self correctly (seeing ourselves as God sees us), and this in turn is the key to loving others compassionately. As we grow in our understanding of God’s unconditional love and acceptance of us in Christ, we are increasingly liberated from using people to meet our needs.” (Page 30)
“It has been observed that there is no sin so great that God will not forgive, but there is no sin so small that it does not need to be forgiven.” (Page 36)
Kenneth D. Boa (PhD, New York University; DPhil, University of Oxford) is the president of Reflections Ministries and Trinity House Publishers. His recent publications include Conformed to His Image, Face to Face, Pursuing Wisdom, The Art of Living Well, Wisdom at Work, Living What You Believe, and Sacred Readings.
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Anita Van Hal
Deepak Kumar Singh