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Products>Aquinas Institute Opera Omnia Project (27 vols.)

Aquinas Institute Opera Omnia Project (27 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $1,233.88
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The bilingual format of The Aquinas Institute’s Latin-English editions of Aquinas’s works makes the writings of this intellectual giant accessible to a broader audience than ever before in history. Aquinas’s writings are a great resource for pastors, seminarians, or anyone who seeks a deeper intellectual reflection on Scripture and theology.

  • Presents seminal works of philosophy and theology
  • Explores the nature and attributes of God
  • Includes Latin text and English translation
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Thomas Aquinas entered the Benedictine abbey of Montecassino at the age of five to begin his studies. He was transferred to the University of Naples at age 16, where he became acquainted with the revival of Aristotle and the Order of the Dominicans. Aquinas went on to study in Cologne in 1244 and Paris in 1245. He then returned to Cologne in 1248, where he became a lecturer.

Aquinas’ career as a theologian took him all over Europe. In addition to regularly lecturing and teaching in cities throughout Europe, Aquinas participated regularly in public life and advised both kings and popes. Thomas Aquinas also profoundly influenced the history of Protestantism. He wrote prolifically on the relationship between faith and reason, as well as the theological and philosophical issues which defined the Reformation.

Thomas Aquinas is most well-known for his monumental works Summa Theologica and Summa contra Gentiles


2 ratings

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  1. Harlan P. Hock Jr
    Sweet! Finally a faithful translation from all the top tier Catholic philosophers and theologians of today. Understanding Aquinas's works takes much more than just reading his works. You have to be entrenched in not only the philosophical terminology of that day, but even more importantly you need to know what the words we use today originally meant. Words like speculative/practical, per se/accident, object/subject, etc. have completely more lucid (etymology: "bright, shining" not just clear as our current language waters it down to be) meaning in scholastic philosophy. Those that have translated these works know it well. I've been amused at others (atheist, arrogant college kid) who have quickly dismissed Aquinas because they read his five ways in the Summa Theologiae (it is not Theologica) and believe they have found holes in his logic, or is just simply wrong. My atheist friend even told me even his young teenage kids could quickly find holes in his theory. The S.Th. is an advanced work assuming you already have the Aristotelian and scholastic philosophical background, as opposed to modern philosophy starting with Descartes. If you think something you read is silly you need to ask a traditional scholastic/Thomistic philosopher first. Try Dr. Matthew Minerd who loves to help.
  2. Jeremy Priest

    Jeremy Priest



Collection value: $1,233.88
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Starting at $67.68/mo at checkout