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Products>Herschel Hobbs Commentary: Bible Studies for Life, Fall 2011

Herschel Hobbs Commentary: Bible Studies for Life, Fall 2011

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This quarter’s Study Themes are:“Balanced Spiritual Growth,”“It’s a Miracle!” and“Make Your Life Count.” The four lessons in “Balanced Spiritual Growth” are intended to help Christians connect to God and to one another, grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, serve one another in ministry opportunities within the church, and share their faith with others outside the walls of the church.

The four-week study “It’s a Miracle!” is important because the miracles of Jesus reveal how His power, compassion, and purpose can make a difference in our lives. The goal of this study is not simply to lead adults to believe in miracles but to deepen their trust in Jesus.

“Make Your Life Count” is a four-week study of events in the life of Moses. All of us want to know our lives count for something. Too many try to find significance through their careers, families, or other relationships. This study will lead adults to see how God calls them and can use them in significant ways. This life of meaning and purpose comes as we deepen our walk with God.

The Herschel Hobbs Commentary contains expository treatment of each lesson passage in the adult Bible Studies for Life curriculum for this quarter. The approach includes both “Search the Scriptures” and “Spiritual Transformations.” Greek and Hebrew words are expounded, the message of the Scripture is explained, and its truth is applied to life. The Bible exposition is based on the King James Version.


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