Digital Verbum Edition
In Understanding Bible Translation, William Barrick surveys the fascinating work of Bible translation worldwide. Drawing on decades of experience translating the Bible, Barrick explains best practices for Bible translation and walks the reader through the translation process. In addition, he provides insight for evaluating English translations and highlights resources for understanding difficult passages of Scripture.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
“God did not design Scripture to encourage lazy thinkers. Instead, He commands believers, ‘prepare your minds for action’” (Page 38)
“A translation must be fully accurate, not selective or partial in its translational integrity” (Page 35)
“No matter how many languages we speak, we most readily pray and dream in our native tongue” (Page 31)
“Refer to good commentaries based upon the original languages of Scripture” (Page 35)
“In His interpretation of the parable of the sower (vv. 19–23), Jesus makes it clear that dissemination of God’s Word depends upon understanding His words.” (Page 38)
Understanding Bible Translation is an engagingly written, hands-on study of the art and science of Bible translation by a veteran translator and long-time professor of Old Testament. If you are looking for a treatment of the theory and practice of Bible translation that is balanced, up-to-date, and linguistically informed, this is the book for you.
—R. Bruce Compton, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Bill Barrick has labored for decades in training translators, theologians, and pastors. Add his work on translation committees and his expertise in the biblical languages and theology, and you get a sure guide to better understand the challenges translators face.
—Kyle Davis, Bible Translation Fellowship
Barrick takes us on an engaging tour of the social and linguistic challenges facing Bible translators, as they move between language systems to make the Bible accessible to common people in their heart language.
—George Athas, Moore Theological College