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Products>William H. Smitty Sermon Outlines: Old and New Testament (2 vols.)

William H. Smitty Sermon Outlines: Old and New Testament (2 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $39.98
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600 Sermon Outlines from Every Book of the Bible includes 300 crisp sermon outlines from the New Testament and 300 more from the Old Testament. Published in the 1980s, these volumes (originally published as two books: 300 Sermon Outlines from the Old Testament and 300 Sermon Outlines from the New Testament) have been out of print for many years and have become difficult to find.

Noted Baptist preacher William H. Smitty created sermon outlines with the intention of presenting preachers with fresh content that sermon material could be added to and preached on. This bundle contains the best of the outlines Smitty created throughout his life.

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  1. Rev. Jonathan Rayburn
    If you are having trouble finding it in your Logos library (as I did), look for "William H. Smitty Sermon Outlines: 300 Sermon Outlines from the New Testament" and "William H. Smitty Sermon Outlines: 300 Sermon Outlines from the Old Testament." It is a bundle of two resources and not listed under the "600 Sermon Outlines from Every Book of the Bible" title.
  2. TerryLee



    How do I download this? Got an email that said it's available now, but I can't figure out how to add it to my library.
  3. Sean McIntyre
    This is not available to download


Collection value: $39.98
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