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Products>George Brooks Preaching Commentary Collection (15 vols.)

George Brooks Preaching Commentary Collection (15 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $149.85
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Dr. George Brooks is a powerful preacher and highly respected Bible scholar. Brooks has been preaching for over 40 years. He preaches every Sunday. This is why, many years ago, Brooks began writing his Preaching Commentary Collection. Everything in the his commentaries has been preached, by him, to his congregation.

When Brooks approaches a passage of Scripture, it is with preaching in mind. He will tell you that every sermon should start with Scripture, and should contain 3 things: Interpretation, Illustration, and Application. His commentaries do this with precision, illumination, and inspiration. About this, he says, “I ask myself what questions my congregants would ask about this Scripture, and I try to provide answers to those questions.”

Much of what you find in Brooks’ commentaries will challenge you, excite you, and inspire you. He has a gift for knowing when to slow down and tell a homespun story to make his point personal. Sometimes he’ll pause to highlight a Greek or Hebrew word and explain why this is important. More than anything, you’ll appreciate his considerate clarity of thought. “I’ve got people in my church that range from small children to a 97 year old. I have to phrase things so everyone can understand,” he says.

Each section of Scripture is handled in a way for it to be a self-contained sermon or lesson. He often ends each section with an inspiring poem or hymn. Brooks says, “I believe the hymnal is one of the best friends of the preacher.” Sometimes he’ll conclude with what he calls a celebration. “In our church it’s common to conclude in a spirit of celebration.”

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    Collection value: $149.85
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