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Products>Sayings of the Fathers of the Church (3 vols.)

Sayings of the Fathers of the Church (3 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Verbum Topic Spotlight: Church Fathers


Regular price: $47.97
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Featuring a wide range of scholars compiling material from our acclaimed Fathers of the Church volumes, each title will be devoted to a few specific areas of theology. The volumes included cover the seven deadly sins, angels and demons, the Mass, and Mary.

  • Addresses common quetions about the seven deadly sins
  • Takes readers step by step through the Mass, from the Sign of the Cross through the Dismissal
  • Features a wide range of scholars compiling material from the acclaimed Fathers of the Church volumes
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||Partially included
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  1. Kevin Clarke, Ph.D.
    Sure, I'm biased. CUA has done a fine job with this series, and I'm glad to see Verbum adding it.
Verbum Topic Spotlight: Church Fathers


Regular price: $47.97
Save $12.90 (30%)