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Products>Center for New Testament Textual Studies’ New Testament Critical Apparatus

Center for New Testament Textual Studies’ New Testament Critical Apparatus

Digital Verbum Edition

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The CNTTS textual database is a comprehensive textual apparatus designed to include as much textual information from each manuscript (MS) as possible. The base text is that of the United Bible Societies The Greek New Testament (3rd ed. corr., 1983) (UBS3). At first the data for the MS readings largely depended on various sources (see below under ‘Sources for the Database’), but now data is predominantly derived from fresh transcriptions and/or collations by CNTTS researchers, with two transcriptions being made for each MS and then those two being reconciled. The resulting reconciled data is often then compared with other existing transcriptions when available and feasible.

Work on the database began in 2000, with a Gospels module appearing in 2004. The other sections of the New Testament were added over time as fast as collations, transcriptions, and reconciliations allowed, with information on the entire New Testament appearing in 2010. Although various updates and improvements appeared in succeeding years, the current release (2021) represents the culmination of a total review of the variation units that began in 2014.

This current 2021 release is a major upgrade in that new MSS have been included, corrections have been made to numerous readings and variant divisions, and new coding has been added both to enhance the information for the user and to enable some advanced uses of the database, with some of those uses being present in the update and others on the near-term horizon for implementation. Beyond this major update of the Apparatus, an advantage of this electronic format is that additions and improvements can carried out on a continual basis, with some already being planned with the inclusion of more witnesses. The result is a product that continually improves in both quality and comprehensiveness.

  • Represents the most detailed critical apparatus currently available
  • Classifies textual variants for easier research
  • Works intelligently with Logos’s existing tools, guides, and features

Logos presents this database of monumental scope in a smart, easy-to-analyze format. Search the Greek text instantly for the words or verses you are looking for, and with a click consult your favorite theological or philological dictionaries or textual commentaries in your library. Then, compare your results with Logos’s own text tools—explore your Bible Word Study tool, and discover word counts, alternative translations, grammatical relationships, and see how your word appears in extrabiblical ancient Greek writings. Cross-references to manuscript fragments in your library are linked, allowing you to jump straight from the New Testament Critical Apparatus to the manuscripts it cites.


4 ratings

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  1. Alessandro



    Does anyone have any feedback on this? On accordance you find some very negative reviews.
  2. diederick pütter
  3. Lawati Genendra Prasad
    Center for New Testament Textual Studies’ New Testament Critical Apparatus Is this only Greek version or English translation of Greek version too?
  4. DAL



  5. Matthew Rini

    Matthew Rini


  6. Anderson Abreu


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