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Products>Worship Foundations (2 vols.)

Worship Foundations (2 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $59.98
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This series brings together an ecumenical team of scholars to present key theological concepts related to worship to help readers articulate their own theology of worship. Historical Foundations of Worship first orients readers to the common core elements the global church shares in the history and development of worship theology and historical practice. It then introduces the major streams of worship practice: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, including Reformation traditions, evangelicalism, and Pentecostalism. Theological Foundations of Worship explore the history of theology's impact on worship practices across the Christian tradition, highlighting themes such as creation, pneumatology, sanctification, and mission.

  • Introduces the major streams of worship practice
  • Highlights themes such as creation, pneumatology, sanctification, and mission
  • Features an ecumenical team of scholars to present key theological concepts
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    Collection value: $59.98
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