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Products>Kregel Commentary Collection (26 vols.)

Kregel Commentary Collection (26 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $660.82
Save $131.83 (19%)
Starting at $43.77/mo at checkout


This collection of commentaries from Kregel Academic provides a complete set of resources for preaching, teaching, and study. Featuring three commentary series, the Kregel Commentary Collection includes Kregel Exegetical, Kerux, and Through Old Testament Eyes series. These volumes combine up-to-date scholarship and concrete application to serve as an ideal guide for exploring the Bible.

  • Enables pastors and teachers to understand and effectively present the message of a biblical text
  • Explores the background, grammar, textual issues, and more
  • Illuminates the Old Testament backgrounds, allusions, patterns, and references saturating the New Testament
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    Collection value: $660.82
    Save $131.83 (19%)
    Starting at $43.77/mo at checkout