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The Gospel of Matthew (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture | CCSS)

ISBN: 9781441251480

Digital Verbum Edition

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This engaging commentary, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. The Gospel of Matthew is an ideal resource for those preaching or teaching on the Sunday Gospel readings from Matthew.

With the Logos edition, each Scripture passage links with your favorite translation, and is easy to study side by side with your other commentaries. You can search by topic or Scripture with lightning fast results!

Get more from the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series here.

  • Offers detailed exposition and commentary on the text
  • Provides introduction to authorship, literary unity, historical context, theological themes, and contemporary relevance
  • Includes a glossary, indexes, and a list of suggested resources

Top Highlights

“In Matthew’s theology, the kingdom of heaven is the divine perfection of the ancient kingdom of David” (Page 24)

“The majority of modern scholars, however, think that the Gospel of Matthew was written to a mixed community of Jewish and Gentile Christians in or near the Syrian city of Antioch.” (Page 18)

“The Gospel of Matthew is preeminently the Gospel of the kingdom.” (Page 23)

“In sum, the law itself is not abolished but its role changes as Christ brings forth its deeper meaning” (Page 94)

“Jesus’ reference to the poor in spirit puts the emphasis not on material poverty but on one’s inner attitude. It refers to people who take their powerlessness to heart, who recognize that God is the only one who can help them, and who trust that God will act on their behalf.” (Page 89)

Over 40 years ago, the Second Vatican Council called for biblical scholars to study the languages, literature, history, and culture of the Bible while paying close attention to the unity of Scripture, the living tradition of the Church, and the analogy of faith. In this exciting new commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri do an outstanding job of fulfilling the biblical vision of Vatican II. For years I have wished for an up-to-date Catholic commentary on Matthew that would unite history and theology, Scripture and tradition, Old and New Testaments, Jewish roots and Christian faith. Now we have one! This extremely readable commentary should be on the shelf of any priest, deacon, seminarian, or layperson who wants to bring out ‘treasures new and old’ from the pages of the First Gospel.

—Brant Pitre, professor of sacred Scripture, Notre Dame Seminary

Is it possible to write a historically informed commentary on the Gospel of Matthew that does not position itself skeptically vis-a-vis the claims made in the narrative? Catholic scholars have for some time been hesitant to answer yes. In this volume, Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri invite us to meet the Jesus depicted by the evangelist Matthew—to meet him in his historical context and to meet him without fear that Matthew is leading us astray. The result is like meeting Jesus again for the first time: the Jesus whom we worship in the liturgy meets us in the Gospel as the living, breathing first-century Jew who is Emmanuel, God with us.

Matthew Levering, professor of theology, University of Dayton

  • Title: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew
  • Authors: Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 400

Curtis Mitch (MA, Franciscan University) is a research fellow and trustee of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Ohio. He is the coauthor with Scott Hahn of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.

Edward Sri (STD, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome) is provost and professor of theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, is a founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), and the author of several books on Scripture and the Catholic faith.


2 ratings

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  1. Antonius



    I have this in paperback, I read it cover to cover. It is a fantastic commentary.
  2. Steve Currie

    Steve Currie

