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Origins of New Testament Christology: An Introduction to the Traditions and Titles Applied to Jesus

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The early followers of Jesus drew from Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions and titles to help them understand and articulate who Jesus was. This book opens a window into the Christology of the first century by helping readers understand the 11 most significant titles for Jesus in the New Testament: Lord, Son of Man, Messiah, Prophet, Suffering Servant, Son of God, Last Adam, Passover Lamb, Savior, Word, and High Priest. The authors trace the history of each title in the Old Testament, Second Temple literature, and Greco-Roman literature and look at the context in which the New Testament writers retrieved these traditions to communicate their understanding of Christ. The result is a robust portrait that is closely tied to the sacred traditions of Israel and beyond that took on new significance in light of Jesus Christ.

This accessible and up-to-date exegetical study defends an early “high” Christology and argues that the titles of Jesus invariably point to an understanding of Jesus as God. In the process, it will help readers appreciate the biblical witness to the person of Jesus.

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  • Defends an early “high” Christology
  • Argues that the titles of Jesus invariably point to an understanding of Jesus as God
  • Helps readers appreciate the biblical witness to the person of Jesus
  • Introduction
  • 1. Jesus the Lord
  • 2. Jesus the Prophet
  • 3. Jesus the Son of Man
  • 4. Jesus the Son of God
  • 5. Jesus the Suffering Servant
  • 6. Jesus the Passover Lamb
  • 7. Jesus the Messiah
  • 8. Jesus the Savior
  • 9. Jesus the Last Adam
  • 10. Jesus the Word
  • 11. Jesus the High Priest
  • Conclusion: Jesus as God
Stanley Porter and Bryan Dyer have written a learned book on an important and complicated topic, and they have done so in a remarkably clear and compelling fashion. What makes the book so good is how well they contextualize every aspect of New Testament Christology with the relevant biblical and extrabiblical texts. This book will become the foundational study of biblical Christology.

—Craig A. Evans, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins, Houston Christian University

In the tradition of Oscar Cullmann's classic The Christology of the New Testament, Porter and Dyer provide a fresh, up-to-date study of Christology through the lens of titles. This work is particularly helpful in contextualizing the titles historically and exegetically. The authors rightly conclude that Jesus is presented as divine in the New Testament. This is an important topic indeed!

—Brandon D. Crowe, professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

Porter and Dyer offer an excellent introduction to New Testament Christology, organized around the titles used of Jesus, including Lord, Messiah, Son of Man, and Son of God. The approach is not a simple catalogue but rather a sophisticated reading of literary and social contexts, in illuminating dialogue with contemporary scholars. Examination of each title leads students through a close reading of key texts toward a more general evaluation of the title's significance. Introductory courses will find in the work an extremely valuable resource.

—Harold Attridge, Sterling Professor of Divinity, Yale Divinity School


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