Digital Verbum Edition
What the Bible Has to Say about Heaven from Pastor John MacArthur
A number of recent New York Times bestsellers have readers thinking about the reality of heaven. Yet their pictures of life in heaven cover the range from comical to curious, from mystical to fictitious—with maybe some biblical truth thrown in. But if heaven is in our future, we really need to know more about what lies ahead—more about what’s real and what’s not. Now in paperback, pastor John MacArthur takes us through the pages of Scripture, exploring the wonders of heaven, angels, and eternal life.
Written by John MacArthur: Written by a pastor with decades of experience shepherding God’s people and teaching from his word
Examines the Truth about Heaven: Replaces cultural ideas with biblical truth
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John MacArthur cuts through the sentimentality that often accompanies so-called visits to heaven by taking us back to the Scriptures, the only reliable guide when investigating our eternal home. In the process, John teaches us much needed lessons in biblical discernment. Read it and share this book with a friend.
—Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago
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Jim Weber