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Products>Select Works of Gordon D. Fee (5 vols.)

Select Works of Gordon D. Fee (5 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $129.96
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Gordon D. Fee is a leading Pentecostal expert in pneumatology and New Testament textual criticism. Take your biblical studies deeper into Fee’s scholarly and textual work across the New Testament with this collection of five resources covering New Testament theology, hermeneutics, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Provides essays that apply Pentecostal hermeneutics to today’s issues
  • Addresses various topics such as women in ministries and the Holy Spirit as a person
  • Explores pneumotology from the Pentecostal tradition
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  1. Terrance Johnson
  2. Mykola Leliovskyi
    Can we get Fee's commentary on Galatians in Logos, please?


Collection value: $129.96
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