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Products>Baker Academic Old Testament Collection (29 vols.)

Baker Academic Old Testament Collection (29 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $874.71
Save $233.72 (26%)
Starting at $51.77/mo at checkout


The Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle contains 29 volumes of recent, in-depth Old Testament commentary and research. The bundle is comprised of three collections:

This collection explores Christianity’s roots, examining the character of God, the cultural and historical contexts in which Old Testament books were written, and the formation of the canon. It also takes on the Pentateuch, laying a foundation for studying the rest of Scripture and includes extensive background studies on Old Testament times, covering topics from archaeology to sociology and weaving together a tapestry that fully describes the ancient world. Authors such as Andrew Sloane and Victor H. Matthews take on the Old Testament’s essential topics—ethics, for example, and the idea of narrative— rounding out the collection’s study of these essential and foundational texts.

Please note that this collection is available as part of the Baker Academic Biblical Studies Bundle (86 vols.).

  • Extensive background studies on Old Testament times and culture
  • Interpretation and exegesis of the Old Testament texts
  • Examination of the Pentateuch as a foundation for Scripture
  • Title: Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle (29 vols.)
  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Volumes: 29
  • Pages: 9,228
Value if sold separately
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  1. Willy Elmira

    Willy Elmira



Collection value: $874.71
Save $233.72 (26%)
Starting at $51.77/mo at checkout