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Products>Pneumatology: Knowing the Holy Spirit

Pneumatology: Knowing the Holy Spirit

Digital Verbum Edition

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There is great confusion and controversy over the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Who is he, and what does he do? Is he some type of force? Is he an energy or a thing? Likewise, topics such as spiritual gifts, the baptism in the Spirit, and being filled with the Spirit tend to incite differing views and discord, even amongst the sincerest and most devoted Christians. Because of all this, some have hesitated to study or teach on the Holy Spirit. This is unfortunate, since the Holy Spirit makes possible both the redemption (John 6:8-9, Rom 8:11) and sanctification (1 Pet 1:2) of believers. In addition, the Holy Spirit, in a unique way, makes the truth, power, and presence of the Godhead experiential. For these reasons, the study of the Holy Spirit and his ministries should be fervently pursued and enjoyed!

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  • Explores topics such as spiritual gifts and the baptism in the Spirit.
  • Shows that being filled with the Spirit tend to incite differing views and discord.
  • Pursues the study of the Holy Spirit and his ministries.


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