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Products>The Empty Cross of Jesus: Seeing the Cross in the Light of the Resurrection (The Eerdmans Michael Green Collection)

The Empty Cross of Jesus: Seeing the Cross in the Light of the Resurrection (The Eerdmans Michael Green Collection)

, 2023
ISBN: 9780802882578

Digital Verbum Edition

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“The cross is too important a matter to be left to the theologians. If it is true that God almighty was in Christ redeeming the world on Calvary, then we need to understand what that cross can mean for ordinary individuals and communities.”

With this conviction, Green reexamines the question of atonement. Why did Jesus have to die? How could a loving God allow his son to suffer? And what role does the resurrection play in this divine drama? Rooting his discussion in Scripture, Green opens up the meaning of Easter in an easy, nontechnical style. The empty cross of Jesus liberates the theologian, inspires the preacher, comforts the counselor, and fortifies every disciple for a life of self-sacrifice.

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  • The Cross
  • The Resurrection
  • The Empty Cross
The book is interestingly written, not too technical, and covers many significant theological topics. It is helpful on many practical issues, up-to-date, and pastoral in its approach. It catches the significance of Jesus' resurrection in a masterly way, and contains many memorable lines. It will be a source of spiritual enrichment for many people.

—Anthony A. Hoekema, in Calvin Theological Journal


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