Digital Verbum Edition
As the boundaries between cultures and religions blur in an increasingly globalized world, the church finds itself in need of new approaches to understanding and embracing otherness – both inside and outside of its established communities.
Southeast Asia has long been one of the world’s most diverse regions, with over a hundred ethnicities represented and members of every major religion living as neighbors. In this rich and complex environment, the church has an equally rich and complex history, at times flourishing, at times floundering, but inexorably taking root. In this collection of essays, contributors from throughout the region reflect on the history and future of Christianity in Southeast Asia, providing an overview of missions in the region, and exploring how local churches are defining a uniquely Southeast Asian approach to interreligious engagement.
Combining missiological research with contextual theology, this volume offers profound insight into the challenges accompanying missions in a multireligious environment. From ethnic and religious conflict resolution to navigating hybrid identities, this collection of essays makes an excellent contribution to global conversations surrounding the future of missions in a globalized world.
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In the warm, vibrant region of Southeast Asia, local scholars of mission, rooted in the land and the sea, the bamboo huts and the skyscrapers, have brought fresh questions and insights to bear on the classic cosmic truths of God in Christ-incarnate, crucified, resurrected, reigning, and sending us out as his witnesses throughout his world. Coming from diverse ethnic heritages but united in faith and place, these writers offer sharp, authentic interpretations and applications from this pivotal region.
--Miriam Adeney, PhD. Seattle Pacific University, Washington, USA
Pulling threads from the diverse contexts and cultures of Southeast Asia, this book weaves a beautiful tapestry, exploring how the unchanging message of the Bible remains relevant in an endlessly evolving environment. The book challenges the reader to go beyond the reductionist, linear mindset that pervades Western thought. Instead, it calls us to embrace an interdisciplinary approach that welcomes diversity, complexity, fluidity, and fuzzy boundaries, which are essential to understanding the multicultural, multireligious, multi-economic, multi-political, multicolored, and multilingual mosaic realities of Southeast Asia. This book presents spirituality within the context and framework of traditional Southeast Asian worldviews and brings the Bible into conversation with each perspective.
--Rev. Dr. Patrick Fung. General Director, OMF International, Singapore
This is a book that I’ve wanted to see from the Asian church for a long time. All those involved in the tasks of missions today will benefit from the insights found here. While some big concepts, like Complex Adaptive Systems, are used, the editors carefully describe and illustrate what they mean from practical examples in the literature of other disciplines as well as in the missions context. They have brought together writers who incorporate the history of missions in different countries, mission thinking, planning and education, deployment, and use of resources. If you were a farmer, wouldn’t you want to keep learning how best to prepare the soil, plant, and harvest? This book will help those planning, preparing, and planting spiritual seeds to improve their harvest yields for the Kingdom of God.
--Anne C. Harper, DMiss. Editor, Journal of Asian Mission Missionary,Action International Ministries, UK