Digital Verbum Edition
The Second Vatican Council stated: “All . . . should immerse themselves in the Scriptures by constant spiritual reading and diligent study. . . .” The Church is still far from adequately carrying out those words, but recent years have seen a revival of interest in the Bible. During that revival, both the knowledge and the practice of lectio divina have become more widespread. In Praying the Bible Mariano Magrassi reintroduces us to this practice of prayerful reading of the word of God which is our heritage.
With his vast knowledge of the Fathers and medieval monastic writers, Archbishop Magrassi synthesizes the unique and extraordinary experience of lectio divina. What is it? What are its key ideas? What are the necessary personal dispositions? What are the steps by which prayed reading is transformed into genuine contemplation? In Praying the Bible Magrassi answers these questions, providing a discussion that contains a healthy challenge and an invitation to grow.
Chapters are Liturgical Proclamation and Lectio Sacra, Lectio Divina: Meaning of the Term, Lectio Divina: Key Ideas, Lectio Divina: Concrete Dispositions, Lectio Divina: Four Acts, and The Ancient 'Conference' and the Modern Review of Life.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
Much more than a spiritual exercise, through the art of lectio divina we become a biblical people. Praying the Bible offers an invitation to the practice of sacred reading as a whole way of life by which we are conformed to the living Word of God by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
—Michael Downey, author of Trappist
This book can be a wonderful addition to parish libraries where many laity still work hard at incorporating Lectio Divina' into aspects of daily life and useful to Lectio' professionals as well.
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Pete F. Capistran