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Products>Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association of America (7 vols.)

Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association of America (7 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association of America seeks to bridge the gap between the technical exegetical work of the academic community and the educational and pastoral needs of the ecclesial Community. Combining careful exegesis with a theological understanding of the text, the members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America have written these volumes in a style that is accessible to an educated, nonspecialized audience, without compromising academic integrity.

These volumes deal with biblical texts and themes that are important and vital for the life and ministry of the Church. While some focus on specific biblical books or particular texts, others are concerned with important theological themes with archaeological and geographical issues, and still others with questions of interpretation. Through this series, the members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America are eager to present the results of their research in a way that is relevant to an interested audience that goes beyond the confines of the academic community.

  • Examines biblical texts and themes that are important and vital for the life and ministry of the Church
  • Combines careful exegesis with a theological understanding of the text
  • Seeks to bridge the gap between the technical exegetical work of the academic community and the educational and pastoral needs of the ecclesial Community
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  1. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    i am interested but you don't even have previews? no, thank you
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