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Products>Catholic Moral Tradition, rev. ed.

Catholic Moral Tradition, rev. ed.

ISBN: 1597525839

Digital Verbum Edition

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Too many Catholics tend to believe that morality is primarily about keeping laws and avoiding sin. Catholic Moral Tradition, Revised, shows how from the beginning, the Christian moral life is first and foremost about living our lives according to the new law of grace. The gift of the Holy Spirit, given us at baptism, is a dynamic inner principle that transforms us into a new creation in Christ. This book presents an introductory summary of contemporary Catholic moral teaching based upon the renewal mandated by the Second Vatican Council. It also incorporates subsequent Church documents, especially the moral encyclicals of John Paul II—‘Veritatis Splendor’ and ‘Evangelium Vitae’—along with his three encyclicals on Catholic social doctrine and the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’.

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