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Products>Baker Richard Bauckham Collection (4 vols.)

Baker Richard Bauckham Collection (4 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $103.96
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Richard Bauckham is a scholar in theology, historical theology and New Testament studies. This collection of his works from Baker covers Johannine studies along with biblical revelation and missions. In his latest book, The Blurred Cross, Bauckham provides insight on his journey with God during a challenging time that led him to contemplate God’s purpose for his life and how he can live in a way that reflects his overwhelming sense of gratitude.

  • Features an engaging study of divine revelation in Scripture
  • Provides insightful analysis of key texts in John’s Gospel
  • Offers profound insight into God’s providence amid life’s difficulties
  • Addresses the nature and challenges of Christian missions
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    Collection value: $103.96
    Save $10.97 (10%)