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Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics

, 2000
ISBN: 9781493406852

Digital Verbum Edition

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Challenges to Christianity come from a variety of people and belief systems, and Christians are continually searching for the appropriate responses to critics of their faith. The Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics is a definitive one-volume resource designed to equip believers for Christian defense against the full range of opposing arguments.

This comprehensive reference volume examines every key issue, person, and concept related to Christian apologetics. Written entirely by leading apologist Norman Geisler, it stands as the culmination of the author’s lifelong career and ministry.

The Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics offers valuable information and advice to a wide audience. The author provides extensive coverage of key individuals, philosophical systems and concepts, contemporary issues, difficult biblical passages, classic apologetic arguments, and specific challenges.

In the Logos edition, all Scripture passages in Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics are tagged and appear on mouse-over, and all Scripture passages link to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With Logos’ advanced features, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference.

Key Features

  • Covers everything in apologetics
  • Key points regarding oft-challenged Christian doctrines and beliefs
  • Bibliographical references

Product Details

  • Title: Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics
  • Author: Norman L. Geisler
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 820

As Seen on Faithlife Today

About Norman L. Geisler

Norman L. Geisler has taught at university and graduate levels for nearly 50 years and has spoken, traveled, or debated in all 50 states and in 26 countries. He holds a BA and MA from Wheaton College, a ThB from William Tyndale College, and a PhD in philosophy from Loyola University.

After his studies at Wheaton, he became the graduate assistant in the Bible-philosophy department at the college. He has since taught Bible, apologetics and philosophy at Detroit Bible College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Dallas Theological Seminary, and was the dean of Liberty Center for research and scholarship in Lynchburg, VA. In 1992, he cofounded and served as the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, until 2006. Currently, he is a professor of theology and apologetics at SES.

Top Highlights

“‘no one indeed believes anything unless he has first thought that it is to be believed.’” (Page 61)

“The origin of evil is the rebellion of free creatures against God” (Page 62)

“‘if we wished to know and then believe, we should not be able to either know or believe’” (Page 61)

“God. For Augustine, God is the self-existing I AM WHO I AM. He is uncreated substance, immutable, eternal, indivisible, and absolutely perfect (see God, Nature of). God is not an impersonal Force (see Pantheism) but a personal Father. In fact, he is the tripersonal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (see Trinity). In this one eternal substance there is neither confusion of persons nor division in essence.” (Page 61)

“When asked what God did before he created the world out of nothing, Augustine retorted that since God was the author of all time, there was no time before he created the world. It was not creation in time but the creation of time that God executed in his initial acts (ibid., 11.13). So God was not doing (acting, creating) anything before he created the world. He was simply being God.” (Page 61)


5 ratings

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  1. Brandon Wells

    Brandon Wells


    Using this one for a class at Redemption Seminary and I love it so far!
  2. Rommel



    Awesome for apologetics!
  3. Daniel Chan

    Daniel Chan


    Maybe the greatest in this subject
  4. Joseph E

    Joseph E


  5. David Ynzunza

    David Ynzunza


    Great book for study!
