Digital Verbum Edition
This work is widely recognized as a classic of ecclesiastical history. Based directly on the primary sources, Charles Joseph von Hefele reconstructs the most significant Church gatherings from the council of Jerusalem, depicted in The Acts of the Apostles, to the Second Council of Nicaea in 787. This was the period of the undivided Church, when East and West were united and governed primarily through periodic gatherings, the most famous being the seven ecumenical councils held in 325, 381, 431, 451, 553, 680, and 787. This history clearly and thoroughly explains the major issues dealt with at each council, including clear descriptions of the numerous heretical movements of the early Church. It also describes with great detail the politics surrounding the calling and conclusion of the councils.
With the Verbum edition of A History of the Councils of the Church, every word is essentially a link. Scripture references are linked directly to the original language texts and English Bible translations in your library. For every word—in English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or any language—you can double-click on that word, and your digital library will automatically search your lexicons for a match. That gives you instant access to a wealth of technical linguistic and etymological data, along with tools for accurate exegesis and interpretation.
“That the origin of councils is derived from the Apostolic Synod held at Jerusalem about the year 52,4 is undoubted; but theologians are not agreed as to whether they were instituted by divine or by human authority. The true answer to this question is as follows: They are an apostolical institution; but the apostles, when they instituted them, acted under the commission which they received from Christ, otherwise they could not have published the decisions of their synod with the words, ‘It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us.’ They must have been convinced that the Lord of the Church had promised and had granted His Spirit to the assemblies of the Church.” (Page 1)
“FROM the beginning, two points concerning the Logos and His relation to the Father have stood as divinely revealed in the consciousness of the Church. On the one hand, His real divinity and equality with the Father; on the other, His personal distinction from the Father.” (Page 231)
“did not always choose their expressions carefully, but in substance they incontestably maintained the true doctrine” (Page 232)
“particularly for the decision of contests between the bishops themselves.2 We shall” (Page 4)
“‘Pope Victor wrote to the most eminent bishops of all countries, recommending them to call synods in their provinces, and to celebrate in them the feast of Easter on the day chosen by the Church of the West.’” (Page 80)
Charles Joseph von Hefele was bishop of Rottenburg and professor of theology at the University of Tübingen.