Digital Verbum Edition
Learn even more about eschatology by taking Mobile Ed: TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium (4 hour course).
The Classic Studies on Eschatology collection presents many of the defining late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century studies on the biblical doctrines concerning the end times. Thanks to such notable authors as W. O. E. Oesterley, R. H. Charles, William Kelly, and Alvah Hovey, Classic Studies on Eschatology interprets, translates, and contextualizes important doctrines such as immortality, the second coming of Christ, the millennium, the kingdom of God, and more. The collection’s 27 volumes and nearly 9,000 pages have had an enduring impact on our understanding of the future state of man and the world. This exceptional library provides easy access to a wealth of significant scholarship.
This collection is essential for students, scholars, pastors, historians, teachers of the Bible, and anyone else studying eschatology. With Logos Bible Software, these volumes are completely searchable—Scripture passages appear on mouseover and link to your Greek and Hebrew texts and English translations. For scholarly work or personal Bible study, this makes these volumes more powerful and easier to access than ever before. With Logos’ advanced features, you can perform comprehensive searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “resurrection,” or “1 Peter 4:7.”
18 ratings
Dr. J. T. Carlock
Kevin Bratcher
M. David Johnson
Derek Anderson
Pedro J Martinez
Fernando Canale