Digital Verbum Edition
The Biblical Word Senses Dataset gathers 15,000 word meanings and connects them to English, Greek, and Aramaic words. This massive undertaking represents countless hours of research and cataloguing performed by our team of biblical experts. We’ve linked English terms with relevant Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic words. That means you can search for an English term in Logos and find both the original language lemmas and every sense—or alternative meaning—used throughout the Bible. Thanks to this powerful dataset, you can look for words according to meaning, rather than just lemma form. Plus, we’ve kept track of each word’s frequency in every biblical book—and its relationship with other words and concepts in the Bible. We’ve taken the time to organize words according to hierarchy, so you can see how different words relate to one another. Words can have myriads of meanings, and the Bible Sense Lexicon Dataset ensures that your word study is as precise as possible.
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Lelend Joseph Fromherz
Glenn Phipps